Por qué?

Haha. Tre sekunder senare hittade jag en artikel som började såhär:

Seeking employment in Spain is not easy, particularly outside the major cities where unemployment is high, Also, if you don't qualify to live and work in Spain as a member of an EC country, then obtaining a residence card can be time-consuming and frustrating. Americans and other foreigners without the automatic right to work in Spain must have their employment approved by the Spanish Ministry of Labour (Ministerio de Trabajo) and obtain a visa before entering the country.


You shouldn't plan on obtaining employment here unless you have a firm job offer, special qualifications or experience for which there is a strong demand. If you are seeking a particularly well paid job then you should speak fluent Spanish. Being attracted to Andalucia by its weather and lifestyle is laudable but doesn't rate highly as an employment qualification.


Haha goes uhuh.

Eller sa någon..hm.. Australien..?


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